
  • 1vCPU Xeon Gold up to 3.9 Ghz
  • 1 Gb ECC RAM
  • 10 Gb SSD SAN storage
  • 100 Mb/s unlimited bandwidth
  • 500 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s optional unlimited
  • Your own ISO possible
  • KVM virtualization
  • Root access
  • EU location



  • 2vCPU Xeon Gold up to 3.9 Ghz
  • 2 Gb ECC RAM
  • 20 Gb SSD SAN storage
  • 100 Mb/s unlimited bandwidth
  • 500 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s optional unlimited
  • Your own ISO possible
  • KVM virtualization
  • Root access
  • EU location



  • 4vCPU Xeon Gold up to 3.9 Ghz
  • 4 Gb ECC RAM
  • 50 Gb SSD SAN storage
  • 100 Mb/s unlimited bandwidth
  • 500 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s optional unlimited
  • Your own ISO possible
  • KVM virtualization
  • Root access
  • EU location



  • 8vCPU Xeon Gold up to 3.9 Ghz
  • 8 Gb ECC RAM
  • 100 Gb SSD SAN storage
  • 100 Mb/s unlimited bandwidth
  • 500 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s optional unlimited
  • Your own ISO possible
  • KVM virtualization
  • Root access
  • EU location
All prices include VAT